Internet Marketing Strategy
Developing and creating a successful internet marketing strategy is key to your survival in the increasingly growing and competitive online business world.
As any business owner knows, your product is the most important part of your company. Without a quality product to give the customer it will be difficult to sell anything. In the same way, you have to think of your website as a product that needs just as much focus on quality because it is selling your already great product.
When considering internet marketing strategies, ask yourself these questions about your website:
- Is your website an effective marketing tool?
- Are you using all the tools the Internet has in order to bring in new customers?
Some aspects of the internet marketing strategy we employ include:
- Web Site Optimization
- Key Word Research and Analysis
- Content Optimization
- Online Newsletters and Press Releases Optimization
Web Site Optimization
The first and most important goal of search engine optimization is to have your website found by interested consumers who go online and search for your keywords. 88% of Americans go online everyday (that’s 266 million unique visitors). A large majority of traffic to websites comes through search engines. If you can’t be found, think of all the customers you could have had. 80% of the individuals who have search engine queries select only the first half of the first page’s listing. Almost no one goes beyond the third page.
This is why quality SEO is so important in today’s Internet Market. With such a large task at hand, it can seem near impossible to make it into the first page of a search engine. However, this is not at all true. With the right coding, key words, content, and linking strategy, your site can reach the top!
Key Word Research and Analysis
A vital part of Website Optimization is the usage of key words on your site. The right or wrong key words and phrases can make or break your marketing campaign. The advent of the Internet now has more consumers than ever knocking on the doors of businesses and asking their own questions. They type in exactly what they want into a search engine, and if you don’t show up, they will be using someone else.
Simply guessing or assuming what people want to search is not enough to establish quality key words. This is where key word research and analysis becomes the key. Some of the items that need to be researched may never have entered your mind. These points to be considered include:
- What your audience is searching for
- What keyword(s) are they using
- Who else (competitors especially) has optimized for these words and phrases
- What words and phrases will attract the target customer
Content Optimization
One of the most overlooked steps in the SEO process is content optimization. People spend most of their focus on key words and META tags that they lose focus on how essential optimized content can truly be to Internet Marketing. Heading Tags, special text (bolded, etc), and key word density are a priority in your page content.
Heading Tags are designed to show visitors and search engines what the topic of the page is and/or subtopics. The human picks these up with the eye (headers are larger, bolder, and colored differently than page content) while search engines catch them by their coding (i.e. <H1>Title</H1>). However, don’t blast your site with heading tags all over the page; you have to have the right amount of them otherwise you will hurt rather than help yourself.
Keyword density refers to the amount of content on your page actually reflects your targeted keywords. An optimal percentage of keyword to content ratio is needed so that your content will be better selected by search engines.
Online Newsletters and Press Releases
Producing a regular schedule of press releases and newsletters can help you achieve a stronger internet marketing strategy. By refreshing and updating your content, you re-invite search engines to the site and have them refresh and update their search pages.
To learn more on Press Release Optimization.
Also, sending out online newsletters will help you get former visitors and customers back onto your site. It is always easier to sell more products to older customers than it is to find and sell to new customers.
If your website is not reaching as many customers and making the amount of money you believe it can, Contact Us today.